Let’s talk about love

Intense energies bring to surface what we may still be clinging to that needs to be released. Let’s look into what that is..

The video I mentioned on healing situations past or present: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjOBC…

Allowing Love

Many of us have chosen prior to coming here on planet earth, to grow up in families that have difficulty expressing love, as part of our role in holding the light and transmuting darkness.

This difficulty could have taken on various forms and most probably has proven to be very challenging to be in such an environment.

As sensitive beings, this may have left a very deep and disturbing impression, one that is hard to shake off, even many years after.

We forget our own essence as beings full of love who came here with a wish to implant ourselves in such situations to learn compassion for those who have lost their connection to who they are by staying connected to our source regardless of the circumstances and thus showing them the light from within their darkness. 

Not an easy role but despite whatever you may have seen on the surface, rest assured, you did make a difference,you have planted a seed. 

You have also learned more compassion for them, if you allowed yourself to see even just a bit from their eyes their feelings of lack, and of course you have learned compassion for yourself and for others like you in this situation, who in many cases have turned their pain into being like them.

So, you see, you have learned so much more about where it leads us to cling to the pain caused to us, by those closed off to their essence and how easy it is to carry this into closing our own selves and becoming the same, hence the story of generations who repeat these harmful patterns. 

But, we came here to stop these cycles and bring our light in to create new healthy cycles of love based on who we truly are as divine beings of creation full of light. 

This is where we ourselves must check in with ourselves 

We came here to change this pattern, not continue it. 

This is why we get so many opportunities to release the pain and density we have absorbed that is blocking us from creating and expressing our true selves as well as opening ourselves to sharing and building healthy love connections. 

After playing out the old troubling scenarios time and time again to enable us to see and release, it is time for us to recover who we truly are, releasing the imprints of those who have felt incapable, and turn our experiences into what they were meant to be

Seeing these people in eyes of compassion 

Understanding their pain as the source of their wounding, blockages and misgivings

Understanding firsthand how the acts coming from this place feel once inflicted on someone else

And how you are here to break the cycle

By fully seeing it

Adhering to your own connection to source

Loving and caring for yourself first and foremost as the precious divine being of light that you are

Knowing your own source of light and love at all times no matter what the circumstances are

Not needing to hold onto any pain inflicted on you as a result of other’s own pain

And opening yourself to expressing and sharing your beautiful heart and light with the world knowing that those who know to appreciate, reciprocate and grow together will be on your path as a divinely guided response

And those who do not, will be guided elsewhere. 

At this time we are guided to bring our old chapter in this life to a conclusion and resolution

Releasing old painful experiences as well as the old wounded version of ourselves sending our best wishes to those from our past

Appreciating the higher purpose of it all

And putting our best foot forward into a new chapter in which we walk into as the light loving being that we are, empowered, aware, assertive yet eager to express and share our light with others. 

Take this moment in time

To pause, reflect and join this shift

That you have waited for and have come here to be a part of. 



Your unique experiences have created your unique offerings to humanity

Energies are intense as more light pushes us to shine We may be feeling emotional and vulnerable to open our hearts and create deeper and richer connections and experiences based on our truth. Old wounds may come up to be released and healed in order to be able to create a new chapter. You may be feeling lack of confidence, but you are actually asked to see your challenging experiences as gifts from which you offer your unique assistance to humanity This is why you are here at this time 🙏
*Sorry I started crying at the end, I guess its now obvious the topic of helping humanity to heal is very important to me.

We are limitless, we are infinite

These days the energies are very intense 

Much of our shadow is surfacing on a personal and collective level 

There are also energies that are pushing to nourish low vibe tendencies

Therefore it is imperative at this time to pay close attention, to discern what energy within you are you nurturing and not give into temptations of any kind of negativity even if you feel it is ‘justified’. 

For example nurturing anger and/or hate for whoever you perceive as a ‘villain’ whether it be in your personal life, a character in a movie, or a person in the global scene, is very toxic to your own energy and to what you transmit onwards into our shared world. 

It is counterproductive to the peace we all wish to experience and create. 

At this time in which we are to build anew on better values 

We must be fully aware of our participation and what we are harboring and expressing/creating. 

In times of exhaustion after many challenges and uncertainty, our old habits may seem tempting. 

Now is not the time to fall back asleep 

It is the time, more than ever, to continue taking the high road so that others will be inspired and will follow. 

Anything coming up for you now, coming ‘at you’ and/or triggers you

Use this time wisely to take a good look at it and see if it fits any longer in your life and how you can go about doing things differently on a higher vibrational level 

You have signed up to transmute the low vibe energies you have been encountering in your life and

You are doing an honorable job

You can be very proud of yourself 

For your role is very important 

The vicious cycles

Stop with you

Just imagine for a minute

What that means 

How significant 

How profound

How pivotal

Which is why it has been so challenging 

Knowing the importance 

Can make it easier 

Knowing that you are teamed up with spirit who has your back at all times

You are safe, protected and loved more than you know. 

Working on strengthening your bond with your Celestial team is the game changer

Giving you so much more insight and comfort feeling their presence and acknowledging the signs and messages. 

Try to take time on a regular basis to cultivate your inner quiet and allow your spiritual family to come through. 

Now is a time in which 

We are being asked to make important choices moving forward

Assessing what exactly you want to nurture, express and create in your life and with others 

All your hard work and dedication is precious and has brought you to this point marking history for the evolution of humanity

You are a part of an important shift taking place

We are ever expanding consciousness

We are limitless

Nothing can stop you 

But yourself 

Dont allow doubt, fear or any other negativity get in the way of your beautiful expansion,
Our beautiful expansion

Thank you for being here 



Finding peace-our hidden anger is counterproductive

This may be an eye opener for many..it certainly has been for myself..

These days you may be dealing with uncertainty and even frustration. You are invited to take a good look at your reactions and see if there may be deep hidden anger issues triggered to be healed and released so we can build a new peaceful existence for us all 🙏

Light ,Love & Freedom for All

We are going through some chaos at the moment
The more we rise towards our light
The more the shadow pushes back
The shadow of humanity does not want to go out without a fight, without trying to regain control
It is evident that the light will win
But this is an important opportunity to clean out more of our shadows that limit and inhibit our growth.
Pay attention to what is triggered within you, what arises for you.
Most probably fear and anger. Take a good look at these and where they stem from, for you personally. See what needs healing and move through the emotions of helplessness to reconnecting to your inner power, knowing you are free and resourceful with a whole spiritual team by your side, ready to guide and assist you all the time. Their only wish is for you to become fully enlightened and in your power.
If you are feeling overwhelmed
Take a pause
Withdraw from negative outer influences
Quiet down
In your sacred space
Or in nature
For some, physical activity may be helpful
And connect within
Do some slow deep breathing
In and out
A few times
Until your energy settles
Move out of your worries and your thinking mind
Ask for guidance from your Angels and guides
Tell them you understand there is a higher answer
But you just can’t see it
Ask them to show you
Then let go
If you can
Or take a nap
Or just move your thoughts to anything that pleases you
This will release the blockage and resistance your stress is creating
And will allow Divine inspiration to enter and guide you
Trust and allow
Remember also as in prior similar waves, after encountering these kind of challenges in which you encountered your deepest fears, there was always some kind of relief and solution leaving you feeling a bit lighter after releasing a layer of ‘fear luggage’.
All in all we are clearing another deeper layer, which is needed to move forward more aligned with our higher selves, leaving behind behaviors and attitudes that stem from fear and control, that limit us personally and collectively.
We Shall RISE from this lighter, stronger and brighter than ever
In order to create an existence based on light, love and freedom for all.

Seeing with the eyes of GOD

We are being submerged with much light at the moment to assist us in overcoming the darkness that wishes to resist.
We are also being given the opportunity to see everything occurring around us from a higher perspective, in the eyes of God.
Within the shift taking place, raising us to a higher dimension, we are momentarily living in between 2 worlds so to speak. The old world that is gradually fading away, yet full of chaos and the new incoming world full of light. Its not very easy walking between the two. With attempts being made to pull you back in many different ways, these will merely be your tests in identifying who you are, where you are going and what you are here to do.
Once you have clearly identified this, there’s no going back.
We all come from the light ,from God
and after we learn certain lessons here and fulfill certain missions, we return to spirit form once again. Some souls choose to leave at this time of shifting dimensions. Their specific lessons and missions this time around complete and perhaps some are needed now to assist us from the spirit world.
We are all connected yet not attached
For we know we are eternal, yet fulfill temporary roles and interact here for a certain amount of time. Our dedication is to our journey and the fulfillment of our highest potential possible within the moment.
We allow the flow of what comes and goes. We allow our experiences that make us grow, and we are full of love within our encounters and bonds knowing we are all dedicated to the journey and the enlightenment.
The chaos being played out by those who have a hard time letting go of the lower dimension is not your chaos
Do not be pulled into it
If you wish to help
The best you can do is send light, love and healing
But we all must go through whatever we need to on our journeys of growth
You have come a long way and have done a lot of self work
Now is not the time to look back but forward into what you are creating anew with all of us
Your time of becoming is so near
You need your energy and focus to prepare.
Recognize this ‘in between time’ for what it is, take the time and care needed to come to terms with the past, honoring what it contributed to you.
Try to support yourself with more quality quiet time and meditate if you can.
The best time to start is just before you fully awaken if you can plan some extra time for yourself and just before you fall asleep. At these times you are in a state of mind which allows easier release of thought and more openness to angelic energy coming in to heal and guide.
It is important to find moments of your choice to practice letting go of your thoughts completely. Try one minute a time, five minutes, ten..
These are the moments you can connect to source, your source, the pure light realm and remember who you are, your Godself.
These moments can replenish you as you bring more of this beautiful light into your being, your life and the world around you.


14.5.2021=555 energy shift

  • Today 14.5.2021=555
    Another important energy shift within the 555 portal between 5.5.2021 – 23.5.2021 signifying change within a Year 2021 of Change.
    You may feel the buzz in the energy today.
    We are indeed undergoing so much change, some of which we are aware and so much beneath the surface with much to be revealed in the near future.
    Many changes have been very uncomfortable but are definitely for higher purposes.
    We are being submerged by a lot of Light from the universe to assist us to ascend. The more Light that shines, the more darkness attempts to hold on and resist. Hence temporary chaos results.
    We are beings of Light
    We know where we come from
    And we know where we’re going
    The thrill of this ascension
    Despite the challenges of purification and release
    Is already felt within
    We know we are on our way to create a better world with spiritual assistance which has decided to intervene.
    Do not be tempted by the chaos
    To return to despair
    That is exactly
    What dark forces are trying
    To push you to
    That is not where you’re going
    Regardless of anything
    going on around you
    Turn within
    And that quiet
    You are searching for
    In your new chapter
    Is already here in reach
    Within you
    Find that peace
    And settle there
    Nurturing that energy
    Will be creating more
    Of it for you and for
    those around you
    Cultivating it
    Will attract more
    Of it
    Towards you
    You are a powerful Creator
    You carry within you
    A seed of the Divine
    And are forever linked
    In a bond of love
    And light
    You are a powerful healer
    You are here today
    Because you are
    Able and meant
    To withstand the challenges
    And shine light
    Throughout the darkness
    Showing all of humanity
    How its done
    Thank you for
    Being here
    Thank you for
    All your efforts
    Nothing has been in vain
    All of it has purpose
    And despite the long stretch
    You will soon see
    More meaning
    To your journey
    And mission
    Bless you


If you are waiting impatiently for change that seems to be delayed, Divine timing is at play. There is always a higher reason. These days take a good look at your real motives for what you are wishing for. Observe any tiny hints of any conditioning, ego, jealousy, greed, anger, hate, bitterness, resentment etc that may arise within you. Be absolutely honest with yourself. Some patterns can be very ingrained and automatic yet very subtle you can easily overlook them. The mistakes you may have made in the past may have been a result of any of these. Any evil we see in the world today are an eventual result of tiny buds unattended and unhealed.
We are about to create a new world. One of pure intentions, of honesty and loving collaboration to grow together in peace, joy and prosperity. We have waited and wished for this moment a long time. We have gone through so much personally and collectively, we have seen it all, all that is not love.
We owe it to ourselves, to all our hard work and to Creation to be the utmost responsible at this point for our thoughts and actions, for our intentions to be the purest possible for the best outcome for us all.
We will always be given free will, but look where that got us.
We will always have good and bad influences. It is up to us to discern and to always look within for our highest guidance and moral compass to have the best purest intentions to manifest and create this new better world for ourselves and others, that we so wished for and worked so hard on ourselves to achieve.
Let your journey be well worth the effort. Take a good look within. Be very honest with yourself.
If you notice any buds of anything that is not the Pure you, try to understand which insecurity does it stem from. Look into the little child within that may still not have fully healed some wound, lack, frustration or something. Hold that child and recomfort it, to fully let go of the past lessons, for you have learned that there is no need for worry, there will be enough for everyone and we will create from a place of fullness within.
We have come this far to know and fully appreciate who we are as Divinely created beings and what we bring to the world. From this acknowledgement we co create together in harmony.
Take the time to heal whatever still needs healing within so we can all come together from this beautiful place.